Personal Information
Business Related InformationCurrent financial statements and bookkeeping records
Tax payments
- Full legal names
- Social Security numbers
- Addresses
- Ownership percentages
- Ownership acquisition dates
- Distribution details
Business Related InformationCurrent financial statements and bookkeeping records
- Profit and loss statements
- Balance Sheets
- General ledger
Tax payments
- State & Federal
- Property
- 1099 Forms
- Meals and entertainment
- Travel (hotel, airfare, transportation, etc.)
- Advertising (business cards, website, ads, etc.)
- Legal and accounting fees
- Business insurance
- Tax, business license, and permit fees
- Office supplies
- Internet and cell phone
- Bank fees
- Business loan interest
- Equipment, storage, and office rent
- Health care expenses
- Charitable donations (Donations over $250 require a quid pro quo statement from the organization at the time of donation)
- Square footage of the home
- Square footage of the office space
- Utilities plus repairs
- Homeowner’s/renter’s insurance
- Form 1098s for mortgage interest
- Property taxes
- Fuel and oil costs
- Lease payments
- Insurance and tax payments
- Parking fees and toll charges
- Repair and maintenance fees
- Sold or purchases assets
- Asset depreciation (date of acquisition, purchase price and sale price, if applicable)
- Salaries and wages paid to employees (forms W-2, W-3 and form 940)
- Commissions paid
- Fringe benefits paid to employees